When Silence Speaks

Oct 31, 2021 | awareness | 0 comments

Words have a way of influencing people and shaping thought and behaviour. Whether it be academics, sports, politics, religion, or business, the use of the right words with conviction can bring about desired results. But there are times we need to step back from what we are hearing, to what we are not hearing. When we become sensitive to this, we will suddenly realise that silence speaks.

When someone we are close to answers in monosyllables and chooses to keep quiet, the silence tells us that the relationship not only needs attention but also needs healing.

When we see things going wrong in society and we stay silent, it speaks of our fear and I don’t care attitude. But we forget that a society that is indifferent to a deteriorating situation, gets victimised by its own apathy.

When someone does really well and we are reserved in our praise, our silence may well be speaking of jealousy or a complex we may be harbouring.

When we don’t agree with someone close to us but choose not to air our difference, our silence speaks of the insecurity we may have of losing the relationship by disagreeing.

When we see injustice but choose not to speak up, our silence betrays our fear of consequences to us. We may believe we are taking a prudent way out, but we often forget that there are times we need to be prudent, but there are times we need to be courageous.

When we see blatant dishonesty and silently accept it, our silence speaks of our complicity and acceptance even though we may claim not to have benefited.

When we find it difficult to express our love, our silence speaks of the hurt we are living with.

Our ability to pick up the silent signals not only in others but also in ourselves, makes us realise the unsaid emotions behind the unsaid words. And when we sit in silence and reflect on the changes we need to make, our inner voice gives us the guidance to do the right things. And in that, we realise the simple, but powerful truth of life – when we are genuinely seeking answers and are ready to change, silence speaks.

(Picture-Fall colours in Vancouver)

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