Being Busy Is A Privilege

Oct 28, 2021 | growing | 2 comments

We often complain that we have too many responsibilities, much work, little time on hand and we are too busy. It can of course be stressful with too many things happening in our lives, but if we reflect on a subtle point, we will realise that being busy is a privilege.

Being busy is a sign that we have things to do, and when we look at each responsibility as an opportunity, being busy takes on a new meaning for us.

Being busy allows us to bring out the best in ourselves and give expression to our creative potential, which could well lay a strong foundation and a clear pathway for the next generation.

It allows us to test our limits and overcome our limitations. And in that, we start expanding our physical, emotional, and intellectual capacities that drive us to achieve higher and inspiring objectives.

It gives us an opportunity to interact with people and build relationships. And these relationships not only become our support system, but they also allow us to reach out and make a difference in the lives of others.

It builds gratitude when we reflect on the fact that there are millions in the world who feel the burden of life, not because they are not capable, but because they lack opportunities. When we find ourselves short of time, it could well be that we also find ourselves with an abundance of opportunities.

But most importantly, being busy protects us from ourselves; it doesn’t allow the mind to be idle and drag us into undesirable channels of lethargy, anxiety, and temptations. Keeping ourselves healthily busy is as nourishing as consciously relaxing.

Being busy does not mean we are stressed, overworked, or hyper. It simply means we have consciously planned our time in an as meaningful and enjoyable way as we can.

If we want to truly experience the nectar of life, then we need to juice out every moment life has given us. And we cannot do that by sitting idle and wasting our time, we need to be ‘as busy as a bee’, because being busy is not a burden, it is a privilege.

(Picture-Van Dusen Botanical Garden, Vancouver)

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  1. Agree!!

  2. Really interesting perspective and so very very true.


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