Creating Safe Spaces In Life

Oct 6, 2021 | relationship, space | 3 comments

In a world of turmoil and conflict, there is a need for creating safe spaces. But the concept of a safe space goes beyond the physical safety of people. We may not realise it, but each one of us has an opportunity of creating safe spaces that can make a difference to the lives of those close to us.

When others find it possible to trust us, we create a safe space for them to share their challenges and situations. In that space, not only do they find a much-needed sounding board, sometimes we too find answers to challenges we may be dealing with.

When we realise that people have deep hurts and anguish, we can create a safe space of listening without judging. Not only do we allow the expression of deep sharing, but we also create an environment for healing and reconciliation. 

When like-minded people can add value to each other, we create a safe space of confidentiality of not disclosing anything discussed with anyone outside of the room. This allows the exchange of ideas, experiences, and viewpoints which can significantly shape the way we think about our own future.

When our relationships at home are built on pure love and care, we create a safe space for our children and others to find the comfort and confidence to share what is on their minds, without being fearful. And in that space, we discover aspects of ourselves and our families we may have been well unaware of.

In our busy schedules, we must find time to create these safe spaces for ourselves and others. And we may well discover that distances get bridged and our own gaps get filled when we understand and create these safe spaces in our lives.

(Picture-Fall colours in Vancouver)

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  1. It is very necessary, to have the listening person, LISTEN, to the speaker, without Ego, or being judgemental, as he may not have had simillar experiences.
    Most issues arise, because the listener feels, that he issuperior to the speaker, not in tune, hence causing friction

    • True…

  2. Great 👍


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