The Sun And The Cave

The Sun And The Cave

A friend shared a lovely story about the sun and the cave striking up a conversation, where the sun had trouble understanding what ‘dark’ was, and...

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How Much Is Enough

How Much Is Enough

A friend recently shared an interesting anecdote. Joseph Heller had written the very popular book Catch-22. At a party given by a billionaire, a...

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The Sun And The Cave

The Sun And The Cave

A friend shared a lovely story about the sun and the cave striking up a conversation, where the sun had trouble understanding what ‘dark’ was, and the cave didn’t get what ‘light and clear’ was. They decided to change places. The cave went to the sun and was amazed at...

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School Friends Are Special

School Friends Are Special

School friends always have a special place in our life. We may meet them after years, and yet we pick up from where we had left off as if there was never a gap in time. Memories of teachers, jokes, incidents in school, and reliving our success and failures come back...

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Are We Truly Open-Minded

Are We Truly Open-Minded

It is said that the mind is like a parachute, useful only when it is open. How often have we stepped back to reflect on what it means to be open-minded? It is only when we are honest with ourselves will we know how open-minded we truly are. We all grow up with...

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The Powerful ‘If-Then’ Principle In Our Life

The Powerful ‘If-Then’ Principle In Our Life

Computer programs are built around an if-then logic. If certain conditions are met, then the program displays certain outcomes. Once this rule is established, not only does it becomes easy to work the program and get the desired outcome, trying to beat the rule...

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How Much Is Enough

How Much Is Enough

A friend recently shared an interesting anecdote. Joseph Heller had written the very popular book Catch-22. At a party given by a billionaire, a friend of Joseph Heller’s informs him that their host, a hedge fund manager, had made more money in a single day than...

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