Love You Dad

Love You Dad

There are some people who live life on their own terms, not out of arrogance, but from inner self-confidence and understanding of life that their...

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It Is Okay To Ask For Help

It Is Okay To Ask For Help

We like to do things by ourselves. It not only gives us a sense of confidence, but in a way it validates our self-belief that we are capable of managing alone. But sometimes being good at what we do can stop us from asking for help. It is a subconscious belief that...

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Love You Dad

Love You Dad

There are some people who live life on their own terms, not out of arrogance, but from inner self-confidence and understanding of life that their security does not come from the opinion of others, but from their own integrity. Dad was one of them. As I reflect on the...

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Some Thoughts Remain Thoughts

Some Thoughts Remain Thoughts

Some thoughts in our life have remained as thoughts. Even though we felt they were worthy of our action, somehow we never really got down to acting on them and making them our reality. If we sit back and reflect on what stopped us, it may unravel some very interesting...

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Be Like The Ocean

Be Like The Ocean

Walking on the beach can be a beautiful experience. The vastness of the ocean captivates us, and the play of waves can lift our spirit. The ocean can be a great reminder for aspects of our life as well. Waves rise and fall but don’t change the nature of the ocean. We...

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We Can’t Have It Both Ways

We Can’t Have It Both Ways

Our mind is very clever and tricky. On one hand, it wants the benefits and successes in life, and yet on the other hand it wants to do what it feels like, giving in to temptations and taking the easy way in life. It makes us believe that somehow we will get want we...

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Learning To Change Gears In Life

Learning To Change Gears In Life

When a car starts climbing a steep slope, a good driver changes gear. He realises that the gear which was appropriate for moving at a high speed on a straight road will not be useful to climb a slope. It is the same with our lives. Our ability to recognise changing...

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