Sometimes Less Is More

Sometimes Less Is More

Over a period of time, we get conditioned to having more. Greater power, more success, being richer, lots of experiences, and plenty of friends. By...

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We Have Two Minds

We Have Two Minds

When we learn how to drive, we are fully aware and conscious of everything we hear and observe. The knowledge is new and we are totally focused,...

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The Ladder Of Life

The Ladder Of Life

Whenever we think of the ladder of life, we instinctively think of climbing up and moving to a higher quality of life for ourselves. There’s much we...

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True Freedom Is Loving Without Attachment

True Freedom Is Loving Without Attachment

The people and things we love the most are the ones we are most attached to. The more we love them, the more we identify with them. Our joy and happiness get linked to their well-being, and when things are difficult, the measure of our pain reflects how deeply we love...

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Sometimes Less Is More

Sometimes Less Is More

Over a period of time, we get conditioned to having more. Greater power, more success, being richer, lots of experiences, and plenty of friends. By all means, we must do well for ourselves, expand our networks and build enriching relationships. But not everything in...

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The Driving Force In Our Life

The Driving Force In Our Life

Different things drive different people. It could be power, the creation of wealth, working on human and social causes, or the pursuit of skill and talent. Each one of us is temperamentally different and may approach life in our own way. There is no judgement to be...

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We Have Two Minds

We Have Two Minds

When we learn how to drive, we are fully aware and conscious of everything we hear and observe. The knowledge is new and we are totally focused, operating from our conscious mind. However, once we become good at driving, we find ourselves doing multiple things while...

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What It Takes To Change Ourselves

What It Takes To Change Ourselves

There are things about ourselves we want to change. It is not that we don’t know what needs change or that we lack the knowledge of what we need to do. Yet we fail repeatedly, and over time this builds frustration within. We often wonder why we are not able to bring...

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Caring For Ourselves Is Not Selfishness

Caring For Ourselves Is Not Selfishness

Caring for ourselves is not selfishness. It is the simple understanding that only a healthy tree can give of itself and serve others. When we nourish ourselves, we are best suited to nurture others. However, sometimes when we think about ourselves, we are...

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The Ladder Of Life

The Ladder Of Life

Whenever we think of the ladder of life, we instinctively think of climbing up and moving to a higher quality of life for ourselves. There’s much we have read and know about the things we need to do to be successful. But the ladder of life works both ways – if we are...

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