Creating Space In Our Life

May 10, 2021 | space | 1 comment

It is so important to create space in our life. Physical space of course gives us flexibility and privacy, but it is the other spaces we create for ourselves that define the quality of our life.

We need to create space between an action and our response to it. Often we react to something that happens, only to realise that our response was impulsive and driven out of an emotional outburst rather than a carefully considered response. When we create space to respond, we allow ourselves to look at the situation carefully and respond adequately.

We carry many responsibilities and often find ourselves spending most of our time fulfilling our obligations and chasing our dreams. Before we know it, time passes us by and things we wanted to do for ourselves get left behind. There is no point in being so busy that we don’t have time for ourselves. Creating space just for ourselves to do the things we enjoy, not only nourishes and energizes us, it gives us a sense of fulfilment.

Our daily space to reconnect within energises us. No matter how packed our day is, the few minutes spent daily centering ourselves helps maintain our balance and gives us the much needed inner fuel to keep going. The excuse that we are too busy and don’t have even those 15 minutes daily is like saying we are too busy driving and do not have time to stop at a petrol pump. Even the best car and driver needs to create the space to refuel and replenish.

Every relationship we carry needs space. No matter how close we are to someone, we need to respect their need for their private time and need to give them their space. Sometimes this harbours insecurity that the relationship is getting distant. On the contrary. When we respect the need for space, the relationship gets built on respect, love, and trust making us closer.

Space releases the pent-up stress and frustration that often silently builds within. Space gives us the opportunity to listen to the powerful inner voice. Space allows us to connect within to build and sustain strong connections in the world.

Everyone knows the notes. It is the space in-between that creates the music.

(Picture-Pathway in our garden this morning)

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  1. Another gem


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