Every Stone Has A Statue

Every Stone Has A Statue

Every stone has a statue in it. When the sculptor works on it, the statue reveals itself. In life, we too face situations, in a manner of speaking...

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Every Stone Has A Statue

Every Stone Has A Statue

Every stone has a statue in it. When the sculptor works on it, the statue reveals itself. In life, we too face situations, in a manner of speaking stones, which are pregnant with opportunities and productive potential. Our ability to carve out the beauty from each...

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The Strength Of Fairness

The Strength Of Fairness

Our sense of fairness defines us as a person. It attracts people to us, helping us build strong connections and relationships. People trust us when they know we are even-minded and balanced in our approach. We can truly be fair and trustworthy when we understand where...

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Learning To Hear What Is Unsaid

Learning To Hear What Is Unsaid

We often run into relationship problems. Some people are not as expressive as we may be, and often they may find it difficult to put into words what they feel and need. We tend to respond to what they say and often find things are not getting better. It is only when...

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The Power Of Restlessness

The Power Of Restlessness

We often feel restlessness within. It is different from anger, anguish, and anxiety. It is not triggered by unhappiness but rather a feeling that even though most things in life are in place, something is missing. We may not realise it, but it is a restlessness from...

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‘I-ness’ And ‘My-ness’

‘I-ness’ And ‘My-ness’

There are many things in ourselves we would like to change. At one level we feel that there are several issues and emotions, and each one needs to be attended to in its own way. This can sometimes overawe us as the list can be daunting. But if we unravel the root...

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