A lighthouse plays a very important role, standing firm in choppy waters and rough weather. It not only serves as a navigation aid to sailors but...
Three Things About Our Thoughts We Cannot Ignore
We are our thoughts. As our thoughts, our actions; as our actions our habits; as our habits our character; as our character our destiny. We may...
Feeling Trapped In A Relationship
Our life is full of relationships that we carry with people, groups, organisations, and families. Every new relationship starts off on a happy note...
Why Wait
Often we find ourselves waiting to do something and before we know it time slips by. It’s not that we are actively evaluating options, or...
The Beautiful People In Our Life
It’s not just beautiful places, but some people in our life who help make this world a beautiful place. Their very thought and presence fills us...
Walking Away Is Not Running Away
Walking away from a situation is not running away. It is the conscious and deliberate decision we take not to engage when we refuse to compromise,...
How We Treat People
The way we treat people shows our true character. It is very easy to be at our best when we are in public or with people we consider important. Our...
Hanging Up Our Troubles
We carry our worries and troubles with us. Even though we understand that it does us no good, it is human to worry, and not so easy to...
Giving Meaning To Our Life
We have often wondered what is the meaning of life. We may have looked at the question analytically, spiritually, or even been critical of the...
Upgrading Our Operating System
If the operating system of a computer is not upgraded, not only does the speed reduce, the computer can no longer support new programs, soon...
Being A Lighthouse
A lighthouse plays a very important role, standing firm in choppy waters and rough weather. It not only serves as a navigation aid to sailors but also warns them of dangers. We too need to play the role of a lighthouse in the life of others. We have much to offer. We...
Three Things About Our Thoughts We Cannot Ignore
We are our thoughts. As our thoughts, our actions; as our actions our habits; as our habits our character; as our character our destiny. We may already know this relationship, but if thoughts are the fundamental building blocks of our life, we need to be constantly...
Feeling Trapped In A Relationship
Our life is full of relationships that we carry with people, groups, organisations, and families. Every new relationship starts off on a happy note and we always look forward to it lasting long. However, sometimes we may find ourselves feeling trapped in a...
Why Wait
Often we find ourselves waiting to do something and before we know it time slips by. It’s not that we are actively evaluating options, or deliberately waiting for an opportune time. Sometimes we just don’t get down to doing things we know we should. If we have a good...
The Beautiful People In Our Life
It’s not just beautiful places, but some people in our life who help make this world a beautiful place. Their very thought and presence fills us with love and joy and lights up our life. We look forward to every moment and conversation with them. I was reflecting on...
Walking Away Is Not Running Away
Walking away from a situation is not running away. It is the conscious and deliberate decision we take not to engage when we refuse to compromise, or when we take a step back keeping the larger picture in mind. We need to walk away from bad relationships. Of course we...
How We Treat People
The way we treat people shows our true character. It is very easy to be at our best when we are in public or with people we consider important. Our test lies in reflecting on how we are with everyone we interact with. It may be worth asking ourselves a few questions...
Hanging Up Our Troubles
We carry our worries and troubles with us. Even though we understand that it does us no good, it is human to worry, and not so easy to compartmentalise life. It would be wonderful if we had a way of hanging up our troubles and picking them up when we need to deal with...
Giving Meaning To Our Life
We have often wondered what is the meaning of life. We may have looked at the question analytically, spiritually, or even been critical of the question itself. There are so many questions to which we may not have an answer. The truth is that each one of us has to...
Upgrading Our Operating System
If the operating system of a computer is not upgraded, not only does the speed reduce, the computer can no longer support new programs, soon becoming ineffective. We too have an operating system that requires regular updates. It is the internal system of our values,...
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