Reinventing Ourselves

Reinventing Ourselves

Inventions have shaped the world and changed how we live. An invention is nothing but a possibility that becomes a reality, driven either by a...

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Dare To Think Big

Dare To Think Big

We were not born for mediocrity. Even we do not know what we are capable of. Our sense of capacity comes more from understanding our limitations...

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Life Doesn’t Turn Out The Way We Plan It

Life Doesn’t Turn Out The Way We Plan It

We make plans in life and then life surprises us. When we look back, hardly has a plan worked out the way we thought it would. Some worked out better than expected and some far from what we wanted. In all our experiences, one thing is for sure, life doesn’t turn out...

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Reinventing Ourselves

Reinventing Ourselves

Inventions have shaped the world and changed how we live. An invention is nothing but a possibility that becomes a reality, driven either by a strong need or a strong conviction. It comes from a clear understanding that to progress we need to find a different or a...

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Where Do Our Thoughts Come From

Where Do Our Thoughts Come From

Our mind is nothing but a flow of thoughts. When we say we need to manage our mind, in essence, we need to manage our thoughts. We have often heard and read that we are our thoughts. But have we ever reflected as to where our thoughts come from? We would understand...

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Every Relationship Needs Attention

Every Relationship Needs Attention

Sometimes a relationship that is very dear to us that we thought could never get affected, gets strained. And when we look back and replay events in our mind, we realise that several things could have been done differently from both sides. The one thing that becomes...

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Life Is Too Short To Hold On To A Grudge

Life Is Too Short To Hold On To A Grudge

There are people who may have hurt us. Their attitude and behaviour may have given us legitimate cause to get angry and upset. We may have said to ourselves that we have moved on and forgiven them, but sometimes deep down we carry not just the memory, but we also...

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Dare To Think Big

Dare To Think Big

We were not born for mediocrity. Even we do not know what we are capable of. Our sense of capacity comes more from understanding our limitations rather than our potential. The fact is, that our limitations are known to us, whereas our potential is in the realm of the...

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Managing The Result Of The Result

Managing The Result Of The Result

Every day we are faced with situations and consequences of earlier actions and the circumstances around us. As part of our mental make-up, we have trained ourselves to take things in our stride and manage the result. However, very often we find ourselves overwhelmed....

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What Builds Lasting Partnerships

What Builds Lasting Partnerships

Partnerships are built to last. No one goes into a partnership wanting it to fail. Yet we find breakdowns in partnership relationships. Setting up a partnership is easy, sustaining it requires an understanding of what makes partnerships work. Trust is the building...

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Why We Go Through Some Experiences In Life

Why We Go Through Some Experiences In Life

We often wonder why we go through some difficult and painful experiences in life. It’s not that we have harmed anyone or done anything terrible. In fact, when we review our life, we may well believe we are good and don’t deserve the challenges life throws at us....

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A Small Change Can Make A Big Difference

A Small Change Can Make A Big Difference

If we were to list down the things we would like to change in ourselves, chances are it would be a fairly long list. But if we were to take a step back and ask ourselves a simple question – ‘what is that one thing I know I need to change?’, what would that answer be?...

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