Very often post an event we have remarked that we had a feeling about a person or something that happened. It was a sense not based on prior knowledge, nor around certainty. It was an intuition beyond our intellectual and emotional thinking.
In spite of our intuition, we often don’t always act on it. The fact is we don’t trust our intuition because we don’t understand it. Once we do, it can significantly change the way we take decisions and live our life.
Each one of us is an originator and receiver of thoughts. We fully understand and believe the first part, since the thoughts originate from us and we are aware of it. We don’t realise that we also carry the capacity to receive thoughts, emotions and signals. Intuition is our ability to pick up signals life sends us.
Quiet Time builds our intuition. The daily habit of spending a few minutes in silence tunes us internally, allowing us to clearly hear the guidance we are getting.
Living with awareness builds intuition. When our mind is where our hands are, we become focussed and single-pointed in everything we do. A focussed mind is a calm mind, the best receptor of signals.
Faith and patience build intuition. Often the solution eludes us. When we learn to have the good sense that things have their own time and way of playing out, we park things on the side, not with defeat, but with the highest understanding that the answer will present itself.
Living in the present and being present builds intuition. If our mind is full of agitation and preoccupied, our intuitive sense gets compromised, just as no one can get through to us if our phone is always busy.
Life doesn’t change just by building our intuitiveness. It changes when we find the courage to trust our intuition and act on it, even if others around us feel otherwise. And it’s important to differentiate between impulsiveness and intuition. When we allow ourselves the space between our thought and action, and if the thought gets stronger becoming a conviction even though it seems against all odds, we know it is not an impulse but our intuition.
Trusting our intuition can be the most powerful thing. But we can only trust our intuition when our motives are pure and we have learned to trust ourselves.
So true ! My intuition has been my biggest asset .unfortunately never been able to back it with tangible facts and so have had to
Wait for the event to
Happen or the person to do or act as I had anticipated .But it has been my greatest ally and yes being honest to yourself and with yourself is the most important precondition and requirement
So true Vivek!! Intuition can be our best guide when followed with complete faith🙏