Some Relationships Have No Name

Some Relationships Have No Name

We carry several relationships in our life. Sub-consciously we have categorised them and have rules, expectations and have built an internal code...

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Goals In Life, Goal Of Life

Goals In Life, Goal Of Life

We all set goals in life; our personal, family, professional and societal goals. These goals keep us focussed and motivated, and on achieving them...

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The Fallacy Of Failure

The Fallacy Of Failure

Failure bothers us. We view events in life as success or failures, putting pressure on us when things don’t go our way. We spend our lives going...

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Don’t Hold Back

Don’t Hold Back

Recently a friend shared a very thought-provoking story. The Director asked a business group where the richest land in the world was. Someone said...

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Some Relationships Have No Name

Some Relationships Have No Name

We carry several relationships in our life. Sub-consciously we have categorised them and have rules, expectations and have built an internal code around them with which we carry these relationships. But there are some relationships in our life that are so special that...

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Overcoming Our Limitations

Overcoming Our Limitations

We are limited in our resources, time and geographic constraints. We start building our lives to overcome limitations and gain more freedom to explore and enjoy life. In finding solutions around our limitations, we often forget that we carry limitless abilities...

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Goals In Life, Goal Of Life

Goals In Life, Goal Of Life

We all set goals in life; our personal, family, professional and societal goals. These goals keep us focussed and motivated, and on achieving them we get a sense of satisfaction. These goals in life are extremely important for our progress and well-being. But have we...

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The Fallacy Of Failure

The Fallacy Of Failure

Failure bothers us. We view events in life as success or failures, putting pressure on us when things don’t go our way. We spend our lives going through the highs of success and the lows of failure. We have pegged our happiness to success and our sorrow to failure. To...

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Don’t Hold Back

Don’t Hold Back

Recently a friend shared a very thought-provoking story. The Director asked a business group where the richest land in the world was. Someone said the oil rich Gulf states. Another one mentioned the diamond mines in South Africa. The Director said it was the cemetery....

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The Excitement Of Exploring Life

The Excitement Of Exploring Life

To explore life is to truly live life. It is true that the safest place for a ship is in the harbour, safely tied to the shore. But a ship was not built to stay in the harbour. It was built to explore the deep oceans and seas, new places, and people. When we embark on...

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The Most Important Thing In Our Life

The Most Important Thing In Our Life

If asked what is the one most important thing in the world for us, we would probably answer that there are several important things. But if pushed to identify the most important thing in our life, it would be interesting to know what our answer would be. Even though...

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Shedding The Load We Carry

Shedding The Load We Carry

We carry a load that seems manageable, but after a while, we find it is becoming too much for us. It is not just the load, but the length of time for which we carry it that makes it a problem. It is the same with anything that is on our mind. If we carry it for too...

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Living Outside Our Comfort Zone

Living Outside Our Comfort Zone

We enjoy being in our comfort zone. By definition, it is a space where we are comfortable, safe, and at ease. We strive to remain there and keep gravitating to our comfort zone at the earliest opportunity. Therein lies the danger. A comfort zone can become a severe...

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Learning To See the Dance, Not The Dancer

Learning To See the Dance, Not The Dancer

Often we are so focussed on the form that we sometimes miss out on the substance and the beauty of a situation. A story I read years ago caught my attention. A man was playing the violin at a subway station in Washington DC. He played for 45 minutes and collected $52....

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