Power Of One

Power Of One

Even though we are motivated and empowered, we often feel small and helpless when we look around at the magnitude of change needed around us. We...

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Circle Of Life

Circle Of Life

At a dinner with friends we were recounting our travel stories. I was reminded of an experience I once had which made me realise the circle of life....

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Pain Is Inevitable, Suffering Is Optional

Pain Is Inevitable, Suffering Is Optional

As emotional beings, it is natural for us to feel pain. When we lose someone close to us, seeing family and friends going through their challenges, when our plans go awry and years of effort evaporates in days, when someone close to us hurts us, or when we see so many...

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Power Of One

Power Of One

Even though we are motivated and empowered, we often feel small and helpless when we look around at the magnitude of change needed around us. We sometimes stop trying to make a difference, asking ourselves the question – ‘what difference will it make?’. Whenever this...

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Rewriting The Constitution

Rewriting The Constitution

The Constitution is the guiding document of a country, outlining the fundamental governing principles. It upholds the quality of life of individuals and is probably the most important document. Just as a nation needs a constitution, we too need a personal...

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Life Is A Test Match

Life Is A Test Match

Recently India won a cricket test series against a strong Australian team in Australia. The victory was all the more remarkable as the team was without several senior players and had come in for strong criticism in one of their earlier games which they lost. In the...

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Circle Of Life

Circle Of Life

At a dinner with friends we were recounting our travel stories. I was reminded of an experience I once had which made me realise the circle of life. I was at Frankfurt airport at a café just above the railway station, waiting for a train to Koln. A passenger asked me...

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Getting Onto A Weight Loss Program

Getting Onto A Weight Loss Program

Sometimes a heaviness suddenly descends upon us. Routine activities become an effort and we feel like we are carrying a constant weight. We need to get onto a weight loss program to remove everything that comes between us and our happiness. The weight of making a plan...

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Resolving Disputes In Our Life

Resolving Disputes In Our Life

We sometimes find ourselves embroiled in a dispute. More often than not emotions get entangled with the principle of equity and fairness. As time progresses, we find that we have moved very far apart from the people with whom we need to settle issues. And when closure...

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Keeping Promises Made To Ourselves

Keeping Promises Made To Ourselves

We make promises to ourselves; new year resolutions, changes we decide to bring about after having gone through a difficult period, commitment to ourselves after having made a mistake or it could be that in a moment of inspired motivation that we have decided to live...

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Keeping Ourselves Constantly Motivated

Keeping Ourselves Constantly Motivated

When we are motivated, our enthusiasm energises us and we not only enjoy what we are doing, we find the energy and will power to overcome obstacles and difficulties. Motivation moves us from dullness to dynamic action. We want to be in that state, but often find our...

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Removing The Ingredient Of Regret

Removing The Ingredient Of Regret

A good chef can sometimes spoil a dish by adding an ingredient that was undesirable. It takes away from the taste of the other ingredients that may have been put in right measure. When removed, the taste completely changes. We too experience life very differently when...

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