Fresh Beginnings

Fresh Beginnings

Fresh beginnings always motivate us; the first day of the new year, a birthday, or a landmark date. Our mind feels the excitement of hope and...

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Handling Criticism

Handling Criticism

It is never easy to handle criticism. Even though others may not have understood our motives or may themselves be guided differently, the truth is...

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Spreading Cheer

Spreading Cheer

Christmas is associated with the sentiment of spreading cheer. The call to all of us to find the charity, goodness and love within. Connecting with...

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Life Balance Sheet

Life Balance Sheet

As the year ends, we usually draw up our financial balance sheet to take stock of our assets and liabilities. This reflects our financial health,...

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Learning To Hasten Slowly

Learning To Hasten Slowly

Our goals and ambition drive us to move ahead with speed and enthusiasm. Our need for speed comes from the inner urge that if we are not quick...

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Taking Things For Granted

Taking Things For Granted

We take so many things for granted in life. Sometimes we don’t appreciate the value of what we have because it is easily available to us when we...

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Fresh Beginnings

Fresh Beginnings

Fresh beginnings always motivate us; the first day of the new year, a birthday, or a landmark date. Our mind feels the excitement of hope and optimism, sometimes happy to leave behind a tough past and looking forward to a better future. We need the charge of...

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Handling Criticism

Handling Criticism

It is never easy to handle criticism. Even though others may not have understood our motives or may themselves be guided differently, the truth is our ego gets hurt when we are criticised. We experience anger, and if it is someone very close to us, from whom we expect...

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The Attitude Of Thoroughness

The Attitude Of Thoroughness

Thoroughness is an attitude which can exponentially make a difference to our life. It differentiates between doing something and doing something well enough so that we don’t need to revisit it. We don’t realise it, but much of our challenges arise because we were not...

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Spreading Cheer

Spreading Cheer

Christmas is associated with the sentiment of spreading cheer. The call to all of us to find the charity, goodness and love within. Connecting with family, friends and all those close to us in a spirit of celebration and togetherness. It’s wonderful that festivals...

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Strengthening Our Will Power

Strengthening Our Will Power

We often make plans and resolutions only to find they were well begun but often not sustained. And before we know it we find ourselves making the same promises to ourselves repeatedly. It’s not that we don’t know what we should or shouldn't do. It’s our will power...

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From Independence To Interdependence

From Independence To Interdependence

We all value our independence. As individuals, we want the freedom to make our decisions and choices in life. This need is deep and natural because in essence, we are free spirited, and anything restricting our freedom is resisted. We don’t like others deciding for us...

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Life Balance Sheet

Life Balance Sheet

As the year ends, we usually draw up our financial balance sheet to take stock of our assets and liabilities. This reflects our financial health, guiding us to areas we need to pay attention to and also our strengths we can leverage for future growth. But how often...

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Learning To Hasten Slowly

Learning To Hasten Slowly

Our goals and ambition drive us to move ahead with speed and enthusiasm. Our need for speed comes from the inner urge that if we are not quick enough, we will lose out in life. It is true that procrastinating over things can come back to hurt us. In our dynamism in...

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Parking A Problem On The Side

Parking A Problem On The Side

Our problems consume our mind space. They weigh heavy on us and we want to get rid of them at the earliest. In many cases, we are able to find a solution and move ahead. Interestingly some problems have a peculiar nature. In spite of trying our best at all levels, the...

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Taking Things For Granted

Taking Things For Granted

We take so many things for granted in life. Sometimes we don’t appreciate the value of what we have because it is easily available to us when we want it. It’s only when we lose something, do we realise its value. Taking things for granted comes from a limited...

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