Removing Friction

Removing Friction

Friction is a force that resists the relative motion of something, preventing things from being seamless and easy flowing. Not just physical...

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Acknowledging Our Pain

Acknowledging Our Pain

We have all experienced pain. Financial losses, broken relationships, bad personal decisions, loss of some close to us, being let down by someone we...

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Shadow Of Doubt

Shadow Of Doubt

We can clearly see our shadow when the light is behind us. We even play with it sometimes and amuse ourselves. We know how it comes and goes. But...

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Spring In Our Step

Spring In Our Step

We all aspire for a comfortable and trouble-free life. There are periods when we do achieve this and feel good. If we look back, the moments we have...

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Living With Optimism

Living With Optimism

Optimism doesn’t mean we are divorced from reality. Nor is it living in false hope. It is a state of mind that believes that a better future can be...

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Removing Friction

Removing Friction

Friction is a force that resists the relative motion of something, preventing things from being seamless and easy flowing. Not just physical objects, but relationships, systems, and even our own internal makeup can have friction. Lack of friction in relationships does...

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Taking A Step Back

Taking A Step Back

Sometimes to move ahead, we need to take a step back. This necessary and important aspect of life is often ignored, especially when we are doing well and things are going our way. We view taking a step back as an impediment to our speed. On the contrary; it is an...

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The Raging Fire Within

The Raging Fire Within

Fire can warm food in the kitchen and the same fire can burn down the house. We need to be careful with fire, lest it causes severe damage. And controlled well, it can be an asset. We too have a raging fire within which needs to be carefully managed. The fire of our...

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Lifting The Fog Of Confusion

Lifting The Fog Of Confusion

It’s easy to live life when we have clarity of thought. Even if things don’t play out the way we expect, at least we know what we want to do. Our actions are never held back for want of decisions. But sometimes we find ourselves at a crossroad. Having to make big...

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Acknowledging Our Pain

Acknowledging Our Pain

We have all experienced pain. Financial losses, broken relationships, bad personal decisions, loss of some close to us, being let down by someone we trusted, misunderstandings or circumstances that changed things for us. And the pain of not having done something, not...

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Shadow Of Doubt

Shadow Of Doubt

We can clearly see our shadow when the light is behind us. We even play with it sometimes and amuse ourselves. We know how it comes and goes. But there is another shadow that enters our mental makeup, veiling the clarity and confidence in us. The shadow of doubt. The...

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Spring In Our Step

Spring In Our Step

We all aspire for a comfortable and trouble-free life. There are periods when we do achieve this and feel good. If we look back, the moments we have most enjoyed in life were not when there were no problems. It was the time when we had a spring in our step. Times when...

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It’s Critical Not Being Too Critical

It’s Critical Not Being Too Critical

Sometimes we get into critical mode. We find fault with things around us and criticise decisions taken by others, even our near ones. And we may well find ourselves at the receiving end of constant opposition and critical feedback in a relationship, at work, or even...

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Living With Optimism

Living With Optimism

Optimism doesn’t mean we are divorced from reality. Nor is it living in false hope. It is a state of mind that believes that a better future can be possible. And this sense, even though not accurate all the time, reflects our inner makeup. And we can understand...

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The Precious Things In Our Life

The Precious Things In Our Life

We take care of our precious belongings. Bank lockers, locked cupboards and safe places are chosen because of the importance of what we have. The more precious something is, the more careful we are in taking care of it. But how often have we taken a step back and...

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