Being Ambitious

Being Ambitious

Ambition drives us. We work hard and dedicate ourselves to achieving the ambitious goal we have set. Several others may also be chasing the same...

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Big And Small

Big And Small

We tend to classify things and events in our life as big and small. We have a habit of giving an internal value to everything and accordingly our...

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Leading With Love

Leading With Love

Love is the most powerful force in the world, and yet we hardly ever use it in our workplace or when discussing leadership. We feel love is a soft...

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The Human Angle

The Human Angle

When we act out of self-interest or only look at the economic aspect of our decisions, we often overlook the fact that people may be getting...

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Decisions Need To Be Made

Decisions Need To Be Made

Life calls on us to make decisions. And the way we decide makes a difference to our lives, now and in the future. And yet many times, we either take...

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Seasons Of The Mind

Seasons Of The Mind

Nature gives us different seasons. We enjoy the bright spring after winter, the warm sun in summer, the rains of the monsoon, leaves changing...

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The Beauty Of Humility

The Beauty Of Humility

Nothing in this world can be achieved just by ourselves. There are many who have played a role in our life - teaching us, taking care of us, guiding...

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Showing Our Appreciation

Showing Our Appreciation

How much do we really show our appreciation? We are quick with giving advice, finding gaps and pointing out areas of improvement. Our critical nature sometimes comes out stronger and overshadows our nurturing side. Not that we don’t care, it’s just that we probably...

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Being Ambitious

Being Ambitious

Ambition drives us. We work hard and dedicate ourselves to achieving the ambitious goal we have set. Several others may also be chasing the same goal with a burning ambition. There may be just one or two who reach the goal and in spite of best efforts we may feel we...

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Big And Small

Big And Small

We tend to classify things and events in our life as big and small. We have a habit of giving an internal value to everything and accordingly our attention and time. And without realising it, we do the same with people and relationships. When we learn to invert our...

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Headlights In The Darkness

Headlights In The Darkness

A good driver puts on the headlights of the car in the dark tunnel. The lights help him navigate to eventually reach the broad daylight, when the headlights are no longer needed. Our life too is similar. We know that in essence we are Infinite Joy, at the same time we...

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Leading With Love

Leading With Love

Love is the most powerful force in the world, and yet we hardly ever use it in our workplace or when discussing leadership. We feel love is a soft emotion applicable at home, with our friends and personal relationships. In a competitive and dynamic world, love has no...

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The Human Angle

The Human Angle

When we act out of self-interest or only look at the economic aspect of our decisions, we often overlook the fact that people may be getting impacted. And when we do look at the human angle, we may find it conflicts with our decision which economically serves us...

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Decisions Need To Be Made

Decisions Need To Be Made

Life calls on us to make decisions. And the way we decide makes a difference to our lives, now and in the future. And yet many times, we either take just too long, putting it off for as long as we can, or we live in denial, not making a decision and hoping life will...

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Seasons Of The Mind

Seasons Of The Mind

Nature gives us different seasons. We enjoy the bright spring after winter, the warm sun in summer, the rains of the monsoon, leaves changing colours in autumn, and the cool crisp air in winter. Things look different in each season. Our mind too has two main seasons....

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Where People Come From

Where People Come From

What we see is not necessarily the entire picture. People we interact with, on the face of it could seem happy, have a nice lifestyle and from the outside, their life could look good. But they may be going through much in their lives which may not look apparent. A...

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The Beauty Of Humility

The Beauty Of Humility

Nothing in this world can be achieved just by ourselves. There are many who have played a role in our life - teaching us, taking care of us, guiding us and shouldering responsibilities with us, helping us accomplish whatever we have to in life. This simple...

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