We find ourselves pulled between opposing forces. Right and wrong. A point of view and a counterpoint. Negative and positive influences. And these pulls are external and internal. Our ability to be be objective and be guided demonstrates our courage and character.
Objectivity is our ability to stand equidistant in the centre, view things without bias and being honest in our evaluation. But it’s not easy to be objective.
We live with strong conditioning. And these deep rooted thoughts colour our perspective. It doesn’t mean that they are necessarily wrong. It’s just that when we encounter a counter view, we find it difficult to examine our own perspective objectively.
Over the years we have built a belief system. Not only do we identify with it, our security is steeped in it. And when our belief system is challenged, we feel threatened. It’s difficult to be objective when being challenged.
Attachment clouds our judgement. Sometimes blind love prevents us from seeing things as they are. We see things as we want them to be. Not only do we compromise our thinking, it does more harm than good to the one we are attached to.
Anger and hatred prevent us from seeing any good in someone we view as an adversary. This dark wall of prejudice prevents even the tiny light of acknowledgement and appreciation to filter through. And we block out any chance of building trust and reconciliation.
But life is not always black and white. The world is changing, and if we don’t change we risk hurting ourselves and others. And in this changing world, we must learn to look at not just others but also ourselves with honesty.
Developing objectivity is developing ourselves.
When we drop our ego, we stop holding onto a fixed position blindly. We open ourselves to newer and different ways of looking at things. And we grow.
Courage to shift our position when necessary centres us, not in the opinions of others but our own integrity.
Truth and justice guide us to take a stand without breaking relationships. And they guide us to speak up as well.
And on reflecting when we truly find our point of view to be right, our clarity and conviction is strengthened because it has passed the test of objectivity.
Difficult conversations become easy because we live with the beautiful principle- ‘ What is right, not who is right.’
It’s very easy to live in a polarised world especially when it suits us. It’s convenient to agree with the many even though in our heart we feel otherwise. It’s easy to turn a blind eye to avoid discussion and dissent.
And when there’s a choice between the path of easy and the path of good, we know we will chose wisely when we’ve learnt to live with Objectivity.
Amazing again today. Could not agree more to this. Thank you. We have so many beliefs, so much prejudice, we are often not aware of. Becoming aware of them is the first step. Reaching objectivity is the ultimate goal.