Letting Go Of Our Regrets

Letting Go Of Our Regrets

As we look back on life, we may have many regrets. Wrong decisions, missed opportunities, relationships that didn’t work out. It is only when we...

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Each Day Is Special

Each Day Is Special

Each day is special. But when we are restricted in our movement, not only do we feel confined physically but mentally as well. The things we could...

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Taking Care Of Ourselves

Taking Care Of Ourselves

It’s only when we take care of ourselves can we take care of others. Thinking of and managing our own well being doesn’t make us selfish, it makes...

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Motive Behind Our Actions

Motive Behind Our Actions

Behind everything we do, there is a reason. The righteousness of our action lies in our motive. An action should not be judged void of its motive....

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Hitting A Wall

Hitting A Wall

We seem to be moving along well having got into our stride when suddenly we hit a wall. The mental wall of finding it difficult to move ahead and...

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Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift

When we shift our paradigm, the world looks different. And shifting our paradigm is changing the lens through which we observe, evaluate and judge a...

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Shaking Off Our Nervousness

Shaking Off Our Nervousness

Nervousness sometimes grips us. Our capability and preparation fails us when faced with the actual event. We may have worked hard and visualised what we need to do, but nervousness robs us of our capacity to deliver when most needed. It could be public speaking,...

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Letting Go Of Our Regrets

Letting Go Of Our Regrets

As we look back on life, we may have many regrets. Wrong decisions, missed opportunities, relationships that didn’t work out. It is only when we reflect, that we feel some could have been avoided, while some occurred despite our best efforts. The vital energy that...

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Each Day Is Special

Each Day Is Special

Each day is special. But when we are restricted in our movement, not only do we feel confined physically but mentally as well. The things we could normally do may not be available to us any more. We get bogged down and wonder how could tough days like these be...

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Winning Over Our Negative Instincts

Winning Over Our Negative Instincts

We are not negative. But we do carry negative thoughts and tendencies. But these thoughts and tendencies need not define who we are. Acknowledging their existence, accepting that they surface from time to time and deciding to take positive action to do something is...

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Being At Peace With Ourselves

Being At Peace With Ourselves

Being at peace with oneself is not about everything around us being in order without challenges and uncertainty. It is about being connected to our true nature within and operating from that, even when the world around us is in turmoil. And this begs the question – is...

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Taking Care Of Ourselves

Taking Care Of Ourselves

It’s only when we take care of ourselves can we take care of others. Thinking of and managing our own well being doesn’t make us selfish, it makes us responsible. Our physical health is paramount. A sharp intellect and clear mind need a healthy body to work through....

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Motive Behind Our Actions

Motive Behind Our Actions

Behind everything we do, there is a reason. The righteousness of our action lies in our motive. An action should not be judged void of its motive. Just like taking a knife and slitting someone’s stomach is not wrong. If the knife is in the hands of a surgeon...

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Blind Spots In Our Life

Blind Spots In Our Life

No matter how intelligent and talented we are, it is always healthy to have influences in our life that draw our attention to the blind spots we live with. Our biggest blunder would be to assume we know best and don’t need any external help. We can act on areas we are...

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Hitting A Wall

Hitting A Wall

We seem to be moving along well having got into our stride when suddenly we hit a wall. The mental wall of finding it difficult to move ahead and every step becomes a struggle. Marathoners sometimes face this almost two thirds into the race. Authors get a writer’s...

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Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift

When we shift our paradigm, the world looks different. And shifting our paradigm is changing the lens through which we observe, evaluate and judge a situation. It also challenges status quo. I recall a touching story I read of a man who was traveling on the subway...

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