Finding Contentment

Aug 16, 2020 | gratitude | 0 comments

Contentment is a state of being. A sense of inner happiness and satisfaction, with ourselves and our lives. It is not about having more but feeling a sense of satisfaction with what we have. This often begs the questions – ‘Doesn’t being content mean we are no longer ambitious. Isn’t it good to strive for more rather than resign and be satisfied with what we have.’

Contentment is not resignation. Nor does it blunt our dynamic self-application. It is the inner peace we live with even as we engage to set and achieve higher goals. But how does one maintain this flame of peace within when our lives are full of storms and we weather all situations in life.

When we understand that we have the ability to find contentment irrespective of the outcomes, we gain a sense of empowerment. Knowledge builds contentment.

Putting things and life in perspective is important. When we evaluate our life not with what we don’t have but also with what’s in place, we suddenly realise that in spite of our challenges there is much to be grateful for. Gratitude builds contentment.

The uselessness of worrying is obvious. Finding our joy in giving our best replaces the anxiety of the results. An artist finds his contentment when he loves his own work of art. The world may take time to recognise brilliance, but Van Gogh kept painting. Maximising potential builds contentment.

When we learn to overcome our ego, we drop the need for controlling things. We start accepting the laws of life. Acceptance builds contentment. When things go right, we get enthused to go further. When things don’t, we get enthused to strive harder. Enthusiasm builds contentment.

And yet after having much and knowing much, why do we still sometimes live with a feeling of discontentment. Because of two simple facts – we haven’t fully accepted life, still wanting things to our way, and we haven’t realised that true peace and contentment lies within. We haven’t stopped comparing.

And when we learn to not just tap into the love we are but become it, and we take in every breath with love and release every breath with love and service, we have ignited the eternal flame within. The still small flame of Contentment.

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