There is a gap between what we know and what we are. It is not very difficult to read, understand and gain knowledge. That is necessary but not sufficient.
There is a need to ruminate on our learning and keep drawing a better and deeper understanding from it. Our biggest mistake is to read something once and say – “Ok got it. Understood. What next.” And after chewing on what we hear and read, if we agree with it, we need to make it our conviction. Once that knowledge gets internalised and becomes our conviction it starts rewiring us.
But the gap in us will only get filled when we find the courage and discipline to live by our conviction. And till we don’t bridge this gap within, there will always be the silent inner dissatisfaction in spite of a comfortable and successful life.
It is not with the textbooks of knowledge but in the laboratory of life where we need to experiment with our convictions and experience change.
Let us not fear the opinion of others as we change. Let us not be scared to change just because it’s different than the way we’ve always been. Let popular opinion not shake our conviction even if we’re the only one.
We can mask our Gaps to the world easily. But the inner voice will keep knocking.
The inner voice will keep knocking. Love it Vivek; we do need to move out of the library into the laboratory when it comes to change, but it takes conviction, courage and sometimes accompaniment to do it. Thanks for your dedication to this endeavour.