
Jun 3, 2020 | awareness | 12 comments

Greed destroys. Not just the system but us as well. It’s a base emotion driven by our insecurity even though it manifests as display of power. It is mindless acquisition without thought to our real requirements, the environment and those in greater need.

It comes from the misplaced sense that having more than we need will satisfy us permanently.   

It destroys our sense of justice, taking more at the cost of someone who is vulnerable. It destroys our fairness,  using our position of power not as a responsibility but a dominance. It destroys our compassion, where it’s only about ourselves with no thought to others. It destroys our institutions as others may follow us as an example at home and in society. But most of all it destroys the greatest gift we have, to serve and share. 

And sometimes it manifests without us realising it. A leaking tap, wasted food, unused expired things or plenty of things bought but never used. Just because we can afford it, doesn’t make it right.

There is a difference between greed and growth. Not all growth is greed, not all greed is growth. Sometimes the line may get blurred for us and it’s easy to justify our actions. And sometimes we may be genuinely confused, whether need or greed is driving our decisions. 

Guidance in silence will tell us the difference.

We must build a good life for ourselves. It is our duty to excel and grow our businesses, professions and vocations. We must create wealth correctly. At the same time be very mindful that application of wealth is equally important.

As Gandhi powerfully put it – The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s Greed. 

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  1. Very well written. Craving is the cause of all misery

    • That’s a very powerful statement. Thanks for sharing Anilji !

  2. Greed and growth, two different concepts, true. excellent overall .Thanks.

    • Greed is a focus on oneself oblivious to the condition of others.
      True happiness comes from contentment and sharing of wealth.

  3. Well expressed …one can satisfy need but not greed !

  4. Truly well written !!

  5. So very true Vivek, because greed is truly a bottomless pit, and once you give in to greed, you can never have enough. In that sense, the present crisis has indirectly taught us how little we actually need to survive, and even to thrive. And also how much we already have and can freely share with those who are more in need. Opening our hearts is one of the best ways of opening our minds and becoming more aware and compassionate towards our fellow human beings.

    • 👌🏼👌🏼

  6. A medicine man was once asked ” What is Poison ?”
    And he said
    “Anything beyond what we need whether it is affluence, ego, ambition, power, idleness, food, fear, scrutiny etc. whatever !

  7. The transition from need to greed is so blurry and unclear that we all fail and I strongly believe “we all” fail to draw that line ….. I am no different!!

    This topic is so close to my heart that I always go back and ask myself where do I stop…. I had just one pair of shoes of black color, one brown and one white PT shoes when I was growing up and I always kept them shiny…. I was proud of their sheen…. and believe me they were my “proud” possessions!!

    I grew up and now I have multiple shoes of all the three colors and even more colors…….. And many times run out of space to keep them…. not to talk about how many my wife has and how many our kids have……….

    While we all cld do with just one of the primary colors at a time….. !!

    How do I explain this behavior….??
    Just because I earn enough to afford these many pairs justifies my act and is not in the category of greed?

    Is it greed, is it the need to show off…. what’s it? Is it my statement making abilities?? Don’t have answers…. but many often than not ….. and surely whenever i am buying anything which is not my “Need….Need” I have been asking this question….. but without it being answered ….. I am just continuing to buy them…. for myself and for all for whom I can afford!!

    Any thoughts……🙏

    • Tough question Anil. Each one has to caliberate for themselves. Affordability should not be the criteria for acquiring. Will also love to hear the views of others on this…

  8. Close your eyes. Imagine hearing someone saying “I feel sorry for that man. The only thing he has is money”.

    Dr. Anand


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