

The way we measure our wealth determines how rich a life we lead. If the pursuit of material wealth is our only measure, we will be rich, but may...

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Success drives us. We are conditioned to setting goals. Results give us a feeling of achievement or disappointment. We go through life chasing...

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Letting Go

Letting Go

It is only when we let go of the lower can we attach ourselves to the higher. The challenge is not in knowing what is a better higher-order living....

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The tortoise teaches us much. It has a hard surface but a soft interior. We too must be tough and resilient in our worldly transactions yet...

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Mirrors are so important. We look into them daily, making adjustments and looking out for signs which need our attention. And rightly so,...

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Making mistakes is normal. We are meant to take decisions to chart the course of our life ahead. Not everything we decide will turn out right and...

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Focus is bringing our entire being and attention to the work at hand. Whether it be speaking to someone, playing a sport, reading an article,...

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Likes and Dislikes

Likes and Dislikes

We gravitate towards our likes and move away from our dislikes. On the face of it, it seems like the natural thing to do. And yet there is a deeper...

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Acceptance is not weak submission. It stems from knowledge, faith and courage. In a game, we don’t complain when someone rolls a high number with...

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Where thoughts go, energy flows. Where energy flows, that grows. Repeatedly thinking of something creates thought patterns in us which dictate the...

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The way we measure our wealth determines how rich a life we lead. If the pursuit of material wealth is our only measure, we will be rich, but may not necessarily be wealthy.  Of course money is important, but it is like petrol in the car. Without petrol the car can’t...

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Success drives us. We are conditioned to setting goals. Results give us a feeling of achievement or disappointment. We go through life chasing success and fighting failures.  A lot depends on our definition of success. The world appreciates and acknowledges us...

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Letting Go

Letting Go

It is only when we let go of the lower can we attach ourselves to the higher. The challenge is not in knowing what is a better higher-order living. The challenge is in letting go. We find it is easier to let go of habits and bring about personal change, but very...

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The tortoise teaches us much. It has a hard surface but a soft interior. We too must be tough and resilient in our worldly transactions yet compassionate within. It has the ability to withdraw its senses at will when it senses danger. We often weaken in the face of...

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Mirrors are so important. We look into them daily, making adjustments and looking out for signs which need our attention. And rightly so, when we look good to ourselves, we feel good.  But what about the mirrors that help us see our inner world. We...

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Making mistakes is normal. We are meant to take decisions to chart the course of our life ahead. Not everything we decide will turn out right and sometimes we do things knowing very well we shouldn’t be. We get carried away in spite of our better judgement. In most...

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Focus is bringing our entire being and attention to the work at hand. Whether it be speaking to someone, playing a sport, reading an article, watching a movie or attending to our responsibility. This powerful ability changes the quality of what we do, impacting the...

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Likes and Dislikes

Likes and Dislikes

We gravitate towards our likes and move away from our dislikes. On the face of it, it seems like the natural thing to do. And yet there is a deeper impact of this oscillation in our minds. The same object is liked by some and disliked by others. Clearly it is not the...

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Acceptance is not weak submission. It stems from knowledge, faith and courage. In a game, we don’t complain when someone rolls a high number with the dice and things don’t go our way. We may have wished for a different outcome but we accept it. Because we understand...

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Where thoughts go, energy flows. Where energy flows, that grows. Repeatedly thinking of something creates thought patterns in us which dictate the direction of our actions. Our thoughts, therefore shape us and our future. Being aware of our thought patterns can help...

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