
May 21, 2020 | awareness | 11 comments

We see what is apparent. However we need to visualise the potential beyond the apparent. The visionary in us needs to see the unseen in the seen.

We see a waterfall. The engineer sees electricity. We see stone. The artist sees the statue waiting to be chiseled. We see four walls, the architect sees a home. We see a company. The visionary sees building a nation.

Innovation is invoking our own potential and exploring the unseen productive potential in the apparent. Harnessing the extraordinary aspects of what looks like ordinary.

And it’s the same with our inner world. We must be mindful of our unseen prejudices and biases. It’s only then will we be able to go beyond our discriminative paradigm and see people as one and the same.

And when we explore further, we realise there is the unseen Divinity in each one of us beyond our physical, emotional and intellectual being. And when we realise that it’s the same Divinity in each, we connect with the world very differently.

Our growth lies in seeing the unseen Divinity even in those we see as adversaries.

It is easy to see a seed in an apple. It needs a vision to see the apple in a seed. The way we look at life changes when we develop the art of seeing the unseen in the seen.

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  1. WoW ! Very true !

    • Well said !!!

  2. A superb reflection Vivek!
    Summed up so beautifully
    We have to widen our vision and see “the apple in the seed rather than seed in the apple”

  3. So beautifully expressed!
    And thought provoking.

  4. Beautiful thoughts and vision!

    • There is a saying in Hindi’ heere ki parakh zohri ko hoti hai’ . We have to invoke our inner potential so we can find the diamond within us . We have be our own Zohri , the diamond could be our consciousness , kindness, creativity or any quality which is UNSEEN

      • I like the analogy to the diamond, Deepak.

  5. Inspiring and poetic Vivek

  6. When I see a beautiful woman
    I will develop with today help the vision to more what I want to see

    • When I see a beautiful woman I will develop the vision with Vivek’s article to see more of what I really want to see

  7. Very well put, Vivek!!!
    We tend to forget over 80% of the iceberg is not visible and so remind ourselves accordingly


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