

We are fortunate to be born free. Even though there’s much change we desire in society and sometimes feel restricted, freedom is available to us....

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We often get Judgemental. Of people and situations. We start evaluating things as we believe they should be. Often our judgemental nature is a...

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In spite of our knowledge and practice, sometimes we’re overcome with Moods of heaviness.  This feeling belongs to the mind. We don’t realise...

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Endurance is our inner strength and stamina which enables us go through our challenges and opportunities without giving up or breaking down. Calm...

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I was reflecting on Patience, or rather Impatience. Our impatience reflects lack of love, our inability to give others their time and space. It...

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Fear grips us from time to time throwing us off balance. To conquer fear we need to understand the three aspects of fear. Fear is rooted in desire....

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Our Anger comes from our sense of I-Want. And anything that comes between us and our desire is subject to our emotion called Anger.  When...

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We get what we invoke. Our ability to create and build  things for ourselves is far greater than we imagine. Knowing the power of invocation...

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In every change there is a changeless.  The river flows over the unchanging river bed. The wheel moves around its own centre. We have to anchor...

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College days were simple, carefree and filled with experiences. Memories trigger of a smile of those days. That first cup of tea with someone. Or...

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We are fortunate to be born free. Even though there’s much change we desire in society and sometimes feel restricted, freedom is available to us. People struggle, sacrifice and fight fiercely to get this freedom.  Because we have a right to be free. But what use...

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We often get Judgemental. Of people and situations. We start evaluating things as we believe they should be. Often our judgemental nature is a critical nature. It is important to first understand the other and circumstances that may have led to something. How often...

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In spite of our knowledge and practice, sometimes we’re overcome with Moods of heaviness.  This feeling belongs to the mind. We don’t realise it, but there are several deep rooted emotions and memories which sometimes trigger off this heaviness. The cause-effect...

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Endurance is our inner strength and stamina which enables us go through our challenges and opportunities without giving up or breaking down. Calm endurance in pain and pleasure is the measure of our inner balance and equanimity . Endurance is built with the correct...

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I was reflecting on Patience, or rather Impatience. Our impatience reflects lack of love, our inability to give others their time and space. It comes from lack of knowledge, that things very often play out true to their own nature over which there is no control. It...

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Fear grips us from time to time throwing us off balance. To conquer fear we need to understand the three aspects of fear. Fear is rooted in desire. It’s an emotion of not getting something we deeply desire or losing something we already have. It reflects our...

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Our Anger comes from our sense of I-Want. And anything that comes between us and our desire is subject to our emotion called Anger.  When someone doesn’t behave the way we want , we get angry. It comes from our expectations. When things take longer than we want ,...

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We get what we invoke. Our ability to create and build  things for ourselves is far greater than we imagine. Knowing the power of invocation helps us sharpen and redirect our thoughts and actions. There are three aspects at play in all that we do. Our effort, our...

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In every change there is a changeless.  The river flows over the unchanging river bed. The wheel moves around its own centre. We have to anchor to a changeless within to manage the huge outer change. And this centre has to itself be unshakable. Very often our...

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College days were simple, carefree and filled with experiences. Memories trigger of a smile of those days. That first cup of tea with someone. Or that cup of tea that never happened and we still remember that. Making and meeting friends, some who are part of our life...

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